Monday, July 29


The day after Truckstop, I headed out on the hottest day of the year so far for another foodie fest. This time it was Feast! This was my second time visiting a Feast festival. The first was last Summer back when they had it in a hospital car park near London Bridge. That was tiny compared to the setting this year!

The great thing about Feast is that, unlike other food festivals, they not only have street food, but restaurants also grab a stall and showcase versions of their food at a fraction of the price. For instance, Flat Iron had some wagyu steak with grated horseradish at £5, Morito had little lamb chops and other goodies, there was also Spuntino, Copita, Pig and Butcher, Patty&Bun, Caravan, Mishkins and many more!!

We did two rounds and then decided to be daring and start with a lamb's heart kebab from James Iowa. I've never had lamb's heart before and it was very interesting! With a texture chewier than liver but of the same flavour, it was a very odd but interesting food. I definitely would not say no to having it again!

We then went for the octopus, creamed potatoes and paprika from Copita Tapas.
This was very nice. Ben couldn't quite get over octopus and potato together, but they were so smooth and spicy from the paprika, the textures together didn't bother me. The flavours that came together were delicious.

Other goodies on offer....
We then tried the spelt arancini balls from Monikers. These were also extremely good!!

Then it was Mishkin's for a corn dog, since neither of us really knew what a corn dog actually was!! 

It was beef (though it tasted more liek a frankfurter to me, a sausage that I detest) with a fried corn coating served with green tomato ketchup (sweeter than red, very good stuff indeed) and sauerkraut-like stuff. This I was a little disappointed by, for the fact that I'm sure I could taste a plain and simple frankfurter in the middle and I couldn't get over that flavour. When mixed with a lot of the sauerkraut and green ketchup however, it definitely brightened the whole thing up. If you don't mind frankfurters to begin with, I bet you'll love it!!

Now comes my favourite savoury for the day from Salt Yard. Chorizo with smokey aubergine and almond aoli. Also on the menu was 5 year old Iberico ham which sat proudly at the front of the stall, looking absolutely mouth-watering.

We ate it too fast for me to get a good picture, but ohmygod the strong chorizo was balanced perfectly by the incredible almond aoli, along with the sweet yet smokey aubergine. It was delicious, haven't had something that yummy for a while.

I will definitely be visiting Salt Yard very soon!!!

Unfortunately I was way too full to try them, but I really really regret not getting some ribs from the Pig and Butcher because they looked astonishing. For £5 you got huge pieces of ribs that had been marinated in dandelion and burdock. It's actually making me sad thinking about it now!!

We moved on to dessert.

Firstly was After Hours, a little pop-up dessert place I've never heard of before. I don't know why because they're tubs were incredible and brilliant value.

Doesn't look great once the chocolate sauce has been poured on top but let me tell you it was INCREDIBLE!!!

Best desserts I've had for a while. Being a chocolate lover, the chocolate was my fave. The mandarin gel was a refreshing punch of flavour amongst all the chocolate, the mousse was so very light and the marshmallow was...well. No words. Brilliant. I swiftly followed them on Twitter and I can't wait to find out where they will be next!! I shall be stalking them from now on.

The lemon and raspberry pot came a very very close second (which means a lot coming from a chocolate lover like me). The parfait was so refreshing on such a hot day and all the interesting textures and flavour combinations of the shortbread and curd came together beautifully.

I think that's what it is, it's so many textures of things in one pot that makes each mouthful exciting and so interesting and equally always delicious no matter what you get. Could not rave about them more.
As we left the guy making them said "If you come back around let us know what you thought" almost unsurely, as if they would be anything other than amazing!!

THEN we had a "Feast Cup" from Le Petit Paris. We went for strawberry and chocolate macaroons and chose refreshing ice creams for such a hot day: pistachio and mango.

A great idea and very cute too. The ice cream and sorbet were packed full of flavour. Definitely some of the best ice cream I've had!

We then lazed under a shaded bench digesting all the food with our raw natural coconut water to keep hydrated from Coco. The real thing is so much better than the bottled stuff. Could hardly bare to drink it  from a carton the next day.

Once you're done with the water they will also smash it open so you can eat the flesh on the inside, but we were waaaay too full to do that!!

We were sat right opposite Spuntino, who I noticed were doing a little PB&J ice cream sanwich with peanut butter brittle that I just couldn't miss out on. Lover of peanut butter.

Great way to finish the day!!

Trying to figure out how to eat it.....
Follow @wefeastlondon on twitter or visit their website to find out when and where the next Feast will be taking place. I highly recommend everyone to go!! It's the best day of food you'll have for a while.

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